Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Prison Break Experience

A few years ago, I was addicted to Prison Break. I never thought though that I will be able to see and feel how it would be like being in prison. 

I've been in and out of the prison. Three times. 

Yesterday, was my third time. 

I want to share with you the three things I realized during those times I was in prison. These 3 things are not new to you, however, we can consider these as reminders for us as we go journey through life. 

The first time I went to prison was last year, around late July/ early August. We had an activity were we were grouped, each of us introducing ourselves. 

A sister and I facilitated a group of around 10 people. We heard stories of why they were jailed and for how long their sentence is. Some were jailed because of murder, self-defense, rape. Some were sentenced for 5 years, 7 years, 15 years. 

From this activity, springs my first realization, that is:

Mistakes are inevitable. Change and acceptance are necessary.

We are all humans,(sings) born to make mistakes. Some mistakes will be as shallow as wrong enunciation of  words, grammatical errors etc. Some are as grave as those of our brothers in prison.
But whatever these mistakes are, we need to be able to admit it, accept it, so that change can happen. 

If you don't recognize that you have misspelled a word, how will you be able to correct it?

Our brothers in prison, were able to share their stories. For me, it takes a lot of courage to share such. Im sure in the early stages, they have questioned themselves, how they were able to do such things. But in the end, they probably learned to admit it and accept it. They are now in the process of healing.

The second time I went there, was during their Christmas party. I really wasn't able to see them as I came in late. However, from the stories I've heard, our brothers inside, made presentations. They sang and danced. All of them, including the servants had a great time. 

Hence, my second reflection:

There is always a spark of hope.

The brothers who presented were the same brothers who committed grave mistakes which led them to prison. These are the same people, who complained before, that their families do not visit them, or who worry if they will still have a family to come home to when they get out of jail. 

But then, how come they are able to enjoy things such as Christmas celebration? 

I believe, people have influenced them to do so. And I think these are God's instruments - the group of people from community who committed to serve them, showed them that there are still people who would care for them. These people showed to them that even if the situation doesn't seem to favor them now, there is hope that things will be better.

To support my statement, there are brothers who are attending school inside the prison. One of them said he is graduating in a fine arts course (if my memory serves me right). Others learned how to do T-shirt printing, and other handy craft-making. 

Why are our brothers being changed? Why are the servants very committed? These were answered in the third visit. 

Yesterday, I saw new faces and some old ones. The new ones were attending a CLP, the 10th talk. The old faces were there to serve. 

What made them do that? 

Here comes my third reflection. 

God's LOVE. 

God's love, that is, boundless and timeless. 

God's love is unchanging. 

The prisoners made have made a big mistake once in their lives, but hey, that didn't prevent them from feeling again His love through our brothers and sisters who faithfully served them. 

Why do these people serve? They could have been somewhere else, enjoying God's blessings, but they sacrificed their time. Why? 

To let others feel the overflowing love of God for them. 

God's love is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. 
Last night, I also heard this: Love sees everything, but transcends everything. God's love is like that. keeps no records of the wrongs we have made.

Let God break into our hearts. Let us allow Him to love us. We can count that He won't EVER fail us.

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